Friday, November 26, 2010

When will she get here...and ask me questions

When will Josefina get here? I don't know. If I did my math correctly, she should be here Tuesday-Thursday. I DON'T WANT TO WAIT THAT LONG!!! But I have to. Oh well.

So I went on to find out if I could see where she is now (and estimate when she'll get here), but next to "Josefina doll+book" was "Not Trackable". NOW I CAN'T SEE WHERE SHE IS!!!

Sorry this post was basically just a waste of your time. Did your doll get to your house early, on time, or late? Please say early. But tell the truth. I JUST WANT HER TO GET HERE!!!

Well, yeah. Really not much.

Instead, I am asking you to ask me questions. Email me or put a comment on one of my posts and ask me a question. I will answer it (unless it's mean or inappropriate) in a post. Ask me anything you want to know except for my real name and address and stuff like that. Ask me what dolls I have my eye on, besides Josefina. Ask me what I think of what American Girl is doing. Ask me what got me into blogging. Anything, really. Just ask me.


1 comment:

Gabrielle said...

Here are some questions! (thanks a ton for the ones you sent me! :D)
-what is your favorite winter time activity?
-what is your favorite holiday?
-if you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
-if you got another doll, which one would you get?
-what got you into blogging?