Thanks Gabrielle for asking me questions! Here are the answers:-What is your favorite winter time activity?
Well, where I live, we don't get snow. So I can't take the dollies outside and take pictures of them as the pearly white flakes fall around them. But what I really like to do is paint pictures of what I think it looks like where it is snowing. I love to paint. I also love to sew, write stories, and curl up with a good book where it's nice and warm inside :)
-What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween, without a doubt. I love the other holidays, but Halloween has a special place in my mind.
-If you had to only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Hmm...that's a hard one. The thing is, I like food. A lot. I don't eat a lot or stuff myself (except around Thanksgiving), but I really do enjoy eating. So constricting myself to one food...would be hard. Whenever someone asks me this question, I usually talk about how I can't just eat one food without dying, even if it was vegetables, because I would need protein and other food until they get bored and walk away.
-If you got another doll, what would it be?
I know one thing for sure: after Josefina comes, there won't be another doll coming for a while. But once I do get another doll, I think it will be MAG #48: Light skin, layered blond hair, and blue eyes.
-What got you into blogging?
First, one of my friends over at Dolls, Dolls, and More Dolls! told me about her blog, and I went on and liked it. Soon, through comments and followers of her blogs, I found other doll blogs, and eventually started one of my own.
Thanks so much for the questions! Please ask me more, all of you! I hope that you enjoyed this post, I know I enjoyed writing it. Thanks so much to Gabrielle for the awesome questions!
Check back soon,
(P.S. please check out, my dollies site!)
Yay for answering!!
I also don't think I could eat one thing for the rest of my life -- food is so delicious!!
I think your blog is pretty creative - my American Girl (Addy) sits in honor on the shelf - along with all my sisters dolls...
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