Saturday, November 20, 2010

Some really good news on a bad weekend's a bad weekend. I got home from school yesterday not feeling so well, and I've had a fever all day and might still have one now.

But, Harry Potter 7 Part 1 came out yesterday!!! Yay! Who out there is a HP fan? I've read all of the books except for the fourth one. When I started reading the fourth one, I was young and just really couldn't get into it. But I'm going to read it soon.


WE JUST ORDERED JOSEFINA!!!! My mom told me to go online to the AG store and buy her. YAY!!! So I went online and ordered her. She'll be here in 8-11 buisness days, according to them.

So, yeah, some really awesome news on a bad weekend.

I really wanted to go outside and take a photoshoot and maybe do a photostory, but I'm not feeling well enough to go outside with the dollies. Sorry, guys. Hopefully I'll be feeling better tomorrow.



Hannah said...

Hope you feel better, Doodledog! Hannah

Hannah said...

Doodledog, the followers thing for our blog is at the bottom of our blog, so please follow us! :) Hannah

Julie said...

Hey! My human (Lily) is the most hugest HP fan. She finished the series in Grade 2. And we also just got Josefina, she is so cute! I'm sure you'll love her as well.
